Learn a little more about Pankhurst House
In September this year (2022-23) Pankhurst House was just a group of students and staff named ‘House 1’. Now they have a Name, a Logo, House Captains, a chosen House Charity and have won many competitions!
Students learnt about 5 different inspirational and influential Historical figures and then voted on who they wanted to represent ‘House 1’ and become the Name of ‘House 1’. It was close, but Emmeline Pankhurst won the vote, and were officially named Pankhurst House!
Emmeline Pankhurst was a fierce suffragette leader, advocate for women's rights, and pioneer of the suffrage movement who also represents 3 of our core values; endeavour, resilience and collaboration. The house colour that was chosen was Green, as it was used in the suffrage movement to signify Hope- which is perfect as it’s also Miss Cowperthwaite's favourite colour!!
Students helped design an amazing Pankhurst Logo and chose our first House Captains who would help to organise and win many House competitions! Pankhurst won 7 competitions in total this year including the; inter-house Basketball, Christmas Card Competition, Christmas Hamper Collection, Debate, Maths Challenge, inter-house Badminton and inter-house Table tennis and inter-house Rounders. As well as winning competitions, Pankhurst also chose voted for and chose their House Charity. This will be a Charity they will raise money for, for at least a few years as a house. The Rugby based ‘Our Jay’ Foundation was voted for the most and Pankhurst have raised £205.76 for them already during the House Charity Event in June.
This meant that overall, Pankhurst ended the year on 1300 points and won the House Cup for 2022/23! The first House to ever win at RFSS! Miss Cowperthwaite is incredibly proud of Pankhurst house and how much they have achieved this year!
Pankhurst were given a day to celebrate this win and we did this by wearing non-school uniform, enjoying some sports, an inflatable assault course, board games, treats at lunch and a fun quiz at the end of the day. Miss Cowperthwaite is looking forward to another successful year next year!