Below are the vocational options we offer at RFSS
BTEC in Applied Science

Unit 1: Principles and Applications of Science I
This unit introduces fundamental scientific principles. Topics include the structure of atoms and molecules, chemical reactions, energy changes in chemical reactions, and the periodic table. Practical laboratory skills and data analysis are emphasized.
Unit 2: Practical Scientific Procedures and Techniques
This unit focuses on practical laboratory skills and techniques. It covers essential procedures such as accurate measurement, using laboratory equipment, and safe handling of chemicals. Students learn to collect and analyze data from experiments.
Unit 3: Science Investigation Skills
Unit 3 emphasizes the process of scientific investigation. Students learn how to plan and carry out scientific investigations.
It covers aspects like research methods, hypothesis testing, and data presentation. Critical thinking and problem-solving skills are developed.
Unit 8: Physiology of Human Body Systems
This unit explores the physiology of various human body systems. Topics include the cardiovascular system, respiratory system, musculoskeletal system, and nervous system. Students learn about the structure and function of these systems and their role in maintaining homeostasis. Practical skills in measuring physiological parameters may be included.
All the units provide a foundational understanding of scientific principles, laboratory techniques, investigative skills, and human physiology, which are essential for students pursuing applied science studies. Keep in mind that the specific content and depth of coverage may vary depending on the institution and course curriculum.
Cambridge Technical in Business Studies

The Cambridge Technical in Business qualification is assessed via a combination of 3 examined units and 2 coursework units. The examined units in Year 12 consist of topics ranging from marketing methods, factors influencing a business and financial documents used in businesses. Students will have the opportunity complete examined components in January and June each year and have resit opportunities to boost their grade. In Year 12 students will complete Unit 1 The Business Environment (examination), Unit 2 Business Decisions (examination) and Unit 3 Customers and Communication (coursework).
In Year 13 students will complete Unit 4 Working in Business (examination) and Unit 5 Business Events (coursework). In these units students will explore the day-to-day operation of businesses as well as planning, delivering and evaluation their own business event!
Cambridge Technical in Digital Media

The Cambridge Technical in Digital Media is assessed via Coursework and Exams. In Year 12 you'll study Media audiences and producers across a range of different Media industries. You'll have 2 opportunities to take this 2 hr examination. For your coursework you'll create a magazine in a genre of your choice.
In Year 13 you'll explore social media and globalisation as well as pre production skills. These skills will assessed in 2 exams, both of which you can sit twice. Finally you'll learn scriptwriting skills and conventions for your final piece of coursework.

BTEC in Food
The Level 3 qualification links closely to the GCSE in Food Preparation and Nutrition and Level 2 Hospitality and Catering. In Year 12 you will complete Unit (1), which explores the nutritional needs of individuals and includes a piece of coursework and a practical examination. This unit also includes a written examination at the end of the year. You will have two opportunities to complete Unit (2); once in year 12 and again in year 13. This unit focuses on health, safety and hygiene in the kitchen, and is an externally set brief.
Year 13 focuses primarily on Unit (4), which is a research project of your choice. You will compose a research question linked to an issue in the food industry, and carry out primary and secondary research linked to this. Throughout this two year course, you will cook a series of dishes, which enable you to develop key culinary skills, to prepare you for the hospitality industry and independent living.
Cambridge Technical in Sport Single Award

​The OCR Level 3 Cambridge Technicals Extended Certificate in Sport and Physical Activity introduces the sector for learners looking to build a career in sport, within one of its occupational areas. These areas include careers in exercise and fitness, coaching, leadership and sports development. This course provides a more practical, real-world approach to learning alongside a theoretical background, giving learners the knowledge, understanding and skills that they need to prepare for employment.
Students will study a wide range of centre assessed coursework units with practical and wider project-based assessment opportunities, as well as examined units on the body systems and the long and short term impacts of sport and physical activity; how sport is organised and the purpose of sports development; sports injuries and rehabilitation; sports coaching and activity leadership and sport and exercise psychology.
BTEC in Sport - Double Award

Cambridge Technicals in Sport and Physical Activity qualifications help students to achieve their potential and progress to the next stage of their lives, whether that’s higher education, an apprenticeship or employment. Students will study a wide range of centre assessed coursework units with practical and wider project-based assessment opportunities, as well as examined units.
There is a diverse range of topics within the OCR Cambridge Technicals in Sport Level 3 Diploma which makes it a hugely interesting course for pupils. From the Sport Science of Unit 1, to the Sport Psychology of Unit 19; from the Biomechanics of Unit 10 to the Sports Coaching of Unit 2; and from the Sports Injuries and Rehabilitation of Unit 17 to the how sports organisations are organised and run in Unit 3. The breadth is vast and stimulating and importantly, relevant to the real world. Learners will develop an appreciation of the importance of physical activity, exercise and sport locally and nationally, different ways of being involved in sport and of how this shapes the sports industry as well as demonstrating and developing their own practical ability and leadership skills.
Cambridge Technical in Health & Social Care

The extended certificate in Health and Social Care see’s you leave with the equivalent of 1 A level, made up of 4 different units. Two units are examination units, that focus on Human Lifespan Development, how we grow and develop throughout our life and what different factors can impact us, understanding the different effect they can have both positively and negatively on our health and wellbeing. Your second exam, taken in year 13, sees you demonstrate knowledge on those who work within health and social care, including the importance of roles and responsibilities, preventing discrimination, demonstrating knowledge of the care values and much more.
There are 2 pieces of coursework where you learn content on a given topic and then have to write a contextualised report on the content, applying it to a case study demonstrating your understanding of the topic and your ability to research around that topic area.

Cambridge Technical in Health & Social Care (Double Award)
The Diploma in Health and Social Care see’s you leave with the equivalent of 2 A Levels, it is made up of 8 units across the 2 years. You will complete the same 4 units as those doing the extended certificate, as well as an additional 4.
Those additional units see you complete an examination on research within health and social care, where you will learn about the importance of research in this sector, how you would carry out research and how it drives change within the sector. You will also complete 2 further pieces of coursework where you will develop knowledge and understanding of safeguarding within health and social care, as well as promoting public health. Your final unit is a unit of work experience. Within this you will spend 100 hours within a setting and in that develop a vast amount of skills that will allow you to pursue your career into heath and social care.

Eduqas Criminology
Criminology gives students the opportunity to study a professional qualification combined with vocational aspects. During the course students will use theories of criminality to analyse criminal situations and make recommendations for policy changes. Students will explore big questions such as; are criminals born? Or are they made? What drives a person to become a criminal? Have you ever wondered what actually goes on behind the scenes at a crime scene? The course has many links with Psychology, Sociology, History and Applied Science.
Curriculum Year 1:
Unit 1- Changing Awareness of Crime- Controlled Assessment (25% Diploma, 50% Certificate) Students will learn the fundamentals of crime in England and Wales. They will learn about different types of crime in society, why they are unreported and how the public perceive criminals. They will have the opportunity to plan their own campaign against crime and evaluate whether it would be effective or not in today’s society.
Unit 2 Criminological Theories- Exam (25% Diploma, 50% Certificate) Students will find the route of criminal behaviour. They will look at various theories of crime, from psychological, sociological, biological and physiological theories. They will examine real life cases and apply their knowledge to determine the cause of criminal behaviour.
Curriculum Year 2:
Unit 3 Crime Scene to Courtroom- Controlled Assessment (25% Diploma) Students will start from the very beginning of a criminal case, from the moment of the crime being committed. They will learn what it takes to examine a crime scene, the jobs involved and the process of convicting a criminal. They will examine rights of individuals and make judgements on whether or not a person is guilty of not.
Unit 4- Crime and Punishment Exam (25% Diploma) Students will look at the Criminal Justice System in England and Wales and examine the usefulness of punishment within our system. They will look at how punishment has changed over time and give justified reasons for these changes. Students will have the opportunity to discuss whether the Death Penalty is an effective deterrent, or whether radical, novel ideals such as The Purge would be effective in today’s society.